Resourceful young medical biology researcher with experience in molecular biology techniques, programming languages, data analysis and data presentation skills. Well versed in designing and execution of experiments and skilled in communication. Hands-on experience in RT-PCR, western blot, ELISA, CRISPR-cas9, cell culture, cell transfection, Immunostaining, Fluorescence and light microscopy and metabolite measurements.
Major study aspects are evaluating the different gene regulators like transcription factors and epigenetic modifications (DNA methylation, chromatin remodelling); elucidating related regulation mechanisms and functions. Molecular biology techniques for identifying biomarkers and drug targets and methods to study disease mechanisms and the functions of biological molecules like protein and RNA.
Courses focused on studying the parasites which infest animals with emphasis on human parasites, their pathology, epidemiology and control. Parasites’ biology, and life cycle, disease mechanism, manifestation and diagnosis
Invertebrate and vertebrate anatomy and physiology
Acquisition of nutrients by vertebrates and invertebrates
Ethics and animal welfare
Legislation on animal use and animal care for mouse and rat
Minimally invasive procedures without anesthesia
Design of procedures and projects
Anesthesia for minor procedures
Principles of surgery
Accurate record Keeping
undefinedReading Singing Dancing Tennis Badminton Going out with friends for sports or drinks
Dr Englitz, B. (Bernhard) Associate professor - Neurophysiology. Radboud University,
Nijmegen, Nederland. Email:
Dr Zhou, Jo Huiqing Associate professor - Department of Dermatology, Radboud
University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Nederland. Email:
Nchanji Takop Gordon Research associate/Lead Microbiologist – ReFOTDE,
Cameroon. Email: