Experienced Data Scientist proficient in developing and applying advanced machine learning techniques. Demonstrates success in translating complex business problems into data-driven solutions. Highly organized, motivated, and diligent, with a significant background in statistics, business and marketing.
Project Achievement: Pioneered a risk-based approach with the creation of an intelligent client monitoring system through development of customer peer groups.
Technical Contribution: strategy formulation, EDA, data pre-processing, and NLP-based feature engineering, Implemented clustering algorithms like Hierarchical and K-means.
Responsibilities: Served as Team Leader
Main responsibilities: Successfully supported six team leaders in transitioning challenges from business to data science domains during the preparation phase and assisted the team of 33 members from 17 different nationalities during the week-long
Project achievement: Created a hand gesture recognition algorithm to enhance human-machine collaboration in
assembly line.
Technical contribution: Strategy formulation, Customizing the Mediapipe Gesture Recognizer and training a custom neural network using Mediapipe Hand Landmarker and interpretation of the results.
Project achievement: Identified crucial contributing factors of order imperfections to improve the overall order fulfillment process at IKEA.
Technical contribution: Contributed to strategy formulation, data pre-processing, EDA, feature engineering, and
the development of four classification models including Random Forest and XGBOOST, Logistic Regression and
Decision tree.
Responsibilities: Served as Team Leader in a diverse group of seven multidisciplinary individuals
Project achievement: Enhanced electricity market precision at Essent by reducing the Balancing Market Risk (BMR) model's historical price dependence through augmented 24-hour forecasting errors for weather-related variables.
Technical contribution: Strategy formulation, conducted exploratory data analysis (EDA) such as seasonality decomposition, and optimized and interpreted Variational Autoencoder (VAE) model.
Responsibilities: Primary company contact.
Day Ahead Forecasting in Balancing Market
Project achievement: Explored price prediction methods for the Balancing Market (BAL), emphasizing sensitivity
to peaks and drops.
Technical contribution: Contributed to strategy formulation, Performing EDA such as seasonality decomposition
using additive methods for the forecasted weather dataset and developing the XGBoost model.
• Studying a number of quantitative methodologies with emphasis on Text Mining and Structural Topic Modeling (STM)
• Analyzing 4299 innovative healthcare startups using Crunchbase's company profile to investigate data-related resource configurations
• Identifying and suggesting innovative solution based on analyzing customers' feedback in various social media channels, websites, customers' voice recording system and interviews (monthly reports)
• Sales negotiations and contract making with well-known companies representative