I'm a final-year Electrical Engineering undergraduate with a keen eye on completing my degree within an accelerated three-year timeframe. My academic pursuits have kindled a deep interest in
microelectronics, especially its application in healthcare technology, thus wanting to pursue a Master's degree in Integrated Circuits. My goal is to apply my enthusiasm and expertise to real-world challenges, continuing my professional growth and making meaningful contributions to the field
of electronics.
Supervising three laboratories on signals processing and providing technical support, while also working on developing the questions and answers for the labs with the professors.
Connecting with the student community of Eindhoven University of Technology by organizing events and promoting MathWorks products. Focusing on my personal development by following Matlab and Simulink courses.
Supervised tutorials where students where encouraged to engage in conversations about the course topics and solve their weekly homework. Offered guidance during Matlab and Simulink programming laboratories.
Assisting students during their first year of university by monitoring their academic progress and providing assistance with both academic and personal difficulties.
Helped students understand the topics of the courses, practicing with exercises and participated in grading the midterms and final exams.
Thesis Project, 02/2024 to Current
Choice - Eindhoven, Netherlands
Developing the wireless power transfer, simulations, and prototype, for a medical device
application for urinary incontinence in women.
AQUECIUS, 09/2022 to 11/2022
Eindhoven University of Technology - Eindhoven, Netherlands
Working on the electronics of a smart water meter aimed to reduce water consumption when showering. The app of the product displays water volume, temperature, and time data while interacting with users via leader boards, and rewards system.