To support the inspection of whether the ongoing stripping works in the enterprise are continuing in accordance with the project.
Examination of the layout and drilling of blast holes. Assistance in field inspection and inspection of the explosive used, the detonators and the interconnection of cables.
Learning the information and work order regarding increasing the grade of the material in the concentrator, which is the first stop of the raw material extracted from the quarry, and then sending it to the enrichment facilities.
Gaining information about the accumulation of waste water from the concentrator in dams and other information about the waste dam.
Obtaining information about the topography of the mining area from the survey engineer and providing assistance.
Obtaining information about the excavation of ore and the evaluation of the underground waters that emerge as the excavation is carried out, in the enterprise and in the concentrator.
Support in checking whether the dump site where the excavated stripping and other waste materials are transferred continues in accordance with the project.
Assisting in the supervision of the implementation of regulations regarding occupational health and safety.